Rockwell Indenters

UPI/7703 – Rockwell indenter

1/4″ Embedded Carbide Ball Indenter

The UPI/7703 Rockwell indenter is suitable for hardness testing machines of the following manufacturers;*
Innovatest, Struers, Buehler/Wilson, Mitutoyo/Akashi, Future-Tech, Matsuzawa, Affri, Gnehm, Wolpert, Galileo, Hoytom and others, ask our sales department for more details.

UPI/7703 – UPI Laboratories provides top class hardness testing indenters, made out of special alloyed metals, polished to the highest standards and with special treatment penetrator seating. All our hardness testing indenters exceed the ISO / ASTM standards for Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, and Knoop hardness testing. All indenters are individually packed in protective & anti rust foam cases, labeled with relevant information. All indenters are supplied with ISO/ASTM/NADCAP compliant ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory certificates show individual testing results.

*All trademarks, brand names, and manufacturer marks are used solely for identification purposes and remain the property of their respective owners.


Shaft diameter: ø3mm

Calibration details: This  Rockwell Indenter provided by UPI Laboratories,  ISO/IEC 17025 RvA accredited K182, complies with the requirements of DIN EN ISO 6508-2 and ASTM E18 Class B verified with calibers traceable to Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt National Metrology Institute, Braunschweig, Germany.
RvA, UKAS DaKKS, COFRAC are ILAC signatories.

Calibration scales: HRL, HRM, HR15X, HR30X, HR45X

Calibration temp.: (23 ± 2) °C

Relative humidity: < 70 %rh

Validity: ISO 6508-2 recommends that the Rockwell Indenter be directly verified after 2 years of use.

Uncertainty: The reported expanded uncertainty is based on the standard uncertainty of the measurement multiplied by a coverage factor k, such that the coverage propability corresponds to approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty is determined in accordance with EA 04/2.

Traceability: The measurements are executed using standards for which the traceability to (inter) national standards has been demonstrated towards the RvA.